Seminar Invitation: Applying for an ERC Starting or Consolidator Grant


Applying for a grant from the European Research Council (ERC):
What does it mean and what kind of support does the
Grants and Innovation Office (FIK) offer?

The ERC aims to fund investigator-driven frontier research across all academic disciplines.
ERC projects need to be:
- High-risk/high-gain and feasible: Think in terms of scientific challenges that are understood as necessary to propose bold and novel ideas leading to scientific breakthroughs
- Non-incremental: Formulate an ambitious project idea that has not yet been proposed: think out of the box and go beyond the state-of-the-art
- Hypothesis-driven: Identify an unresolved question/a gap in your research field
- Open-ended: Include an ambitious vision and think in terms of dogma and paradigm shifts
Are you curious? Find more info here: Instructional videos from the ERC
The different upcoming ERC calls:

ERC Starting Grant 2023: 2-7 years after the PhD; 5 years, 1.5 Mio EUR, deadline: 25/10/2022
ERC Consolidator Grant 2023: 7-12 years after the PhD; 5 years, 2 Mio EUR, deadline: 02/02/2023
ERC Advanced Grant 2023: track-record of at least 10 years, 5 years, 2.5 Mio EUR, deadline 23/05/2023

Do you want to learn more? Read the ERC Work Programme 2022

Support from your research advisor at FIK at the proposal stage:
- ERC Writing courses
- Registration of the proposal
- Writing guide
- Feedback on all parts of the proposal
- Setting up the budget
- Solving the administrative process

Don’t hesitate to get in contact with us:
Meike Froitzheim (Social Sciences, Arts, School of Business, Economics and Law):
Mikael Strömberg (Humanities and Education):
Dubi Eliasson (Sahlgrenska Academy);
Joel Jakobsson (Sahlgrenska Academy & Science);
Maria Enge (Science & IT):