Welcome to the NU Hospital Group
About NU Hospital Group
NU Hospital Group (NU-sjukvården) is a hospital group in Region Västra Götaland in west Sweden. With 5,000 employees the NU Hospital Group provides healthcare and medical services for 270,000 residents located in Dalsland, northern Bohuslän and the towns of Trollhättan, Uddevalla and Vänersborg.
Become one of us
The people who work for NU Hospital Group are fundamental to our healthcare and medical services. To ensure that the members of our staff enjoy working with us, and to encourage them to deliver high-quality services at all times, we do everything we can to keep the atmosphere pleasant and create a stimulating working environment.
We believe that communication and constructive dialogue are the basis of successful cooperation and that it is important that our staff can have their say at work and take part in the decisions made. What’s more, we offer all employees opportunities to specialise and take part in skills enhancement programmes.
The staff at NU Hospital Groups represent a wide variety of professional groups, but all share the same basic value shared by all NU professionals:
”The needs of the patient always come first.”
You can get in touch with us through our switchboard by dialing the phone number: +46 10 435 00 00 (in Sweden 010-435 00 00). You can also send an e-mail to: rekryteringsenheten.nu@vgregion.se
If you do not understand Swedish, you are entitled to an interpreter for medical visits. Tell us that you need an interpreter when you book an appointment.
It is free to use an interpreter. NU Hospital Group always uses educated interpreters and the interpreters have professional secrecy just as all medical staff.