
In the medical search service ClinicalKey, you will find e-books and journals with a clinical focus, as well as images, films, drug information and patient information. Everything is in full text.

To ClinicalKey

  • Language: English
  • Format: HTML, PDF
  • Loan period: Unlimited


Access within VGR's network is accessed via ClinicalKey's website without logging in. Outside the network, turn to the webpage or the app with a ClinicalKey account (which you must first create within the VGR's network).

Printing and/or copying

The book chapters can be downloaded as PDF, but for copyright reasons you are only allowed to download a small part of the e-book at a time. Please note that you must be logged in to be able to download chapters, even within the VGR network.

Create an account

  1. Open in your webrowser on a computer connected to the VGR network.
  2. Click on "Register" at the top right. Register with your VGR email.
  3. In your work email there should now be an email with an activation link. Note! You must click on the link within 60 minutes, or it will lose its validity.

Your access to ClinicalKey outside VGR and in mobile devices is valid for 180 days. Each time you log into your ClinicalKey account on a VGR computer, your remote access is extended by 180 days. Therefore, please make it a habit to log in at regular intervals.

How to use ClinicalKey in a web browser

  1. Open in your web browser. If you use a computer outside VGR network, you need to log in with your ClinicalKey account (read above how to create one). 
  2. Click on "Books" under "Browse".
  3. Search for a title or filter the titles alphabetically or by specialty.
  4. In ClinicalKey you do not download books, but read chapter by chapter directly in the browser. It is allowed to download individual chapters as PDF's (click on the chapter and select the PDF symbol next to the title), but can not download an entire book. You must be logged in to download chapters, even within VGR.

How to use ClinicalKey in the app

  1. Download the ClinicalKey app.
  2. Log in with your ClinicalKey account (read above how to create one).
  3. Search for your desired title. In the same way as on the web, it is possible to filter alphabetically or by specialty. To do this, click on the hidden menu at the top left (three lines) and select "Browse" - "Books".
  4. Click on the book you are interested in. You read directly in the app, chapter by chapter. There is no option to open the chapters as PDF, but it is possible to download and open them in a reading app such as Bluefire Reader or iBooks. Please note that it is not allowed in the app to download more than small parts of a book.